Hydrogen Delivery Scenario Analysis Model (HDSAM) V5.0
Hydrogen Delivery Scenario Analysis Model (HDSAM) User Guide (V1.0)

Heavy-Duty Refueling Station Analysis Model (HDRSAM) V3.0

Hydrogen Refueling Station Analysis Model (HRSAM)

Hydrogen Carrier Scenario Analysis Model (HCSAM)

Heavy-Duty Battery Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Scenario Analysis Model (HEVISAM)
Heavy-Duty Battery Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Scenario Analysis Model (HEVISAM) User Guide
Heavy-Duty Battery Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Scenario Analysis Model (HEVISAM) overview presentation (ports)


Liquid Hydrogen Production and Delivery from a Dedicated Wind Power Plant (May 2012)


Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) Factsheet

  1. Edward D. Frank, Amgad Elgowainy, Krishna Reddi, Adarsh Bafana, (2021) “Life-cycle analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from hydrogen delivery: A cost-guided analysis", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(43), 22670-22683.
  2. Lee, D-Y., Elgowainy, A., & Vijayagopal, R., (2018) “Well-to-wheel environmental implications of fuel economy targets for hydrogen fuel cell electric buses in the United States", Energy Policy, vol. 128, pp. 565-583.
  3. Lee, D-Y., & Elgowainy, A., (2018) “By-product hydrogen from steam cracking of natural gas liquids (NGLs): Potential for large-scale hydrogen fuel production, life-cycle air emissions reduction, and economic benefit", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(43), 20143-20160.
  4. Lee, D-Y., Elgowainy, A., Kotz, A., Vijayagopal, R., & Marcinkoski, J., (2018) “Life-cycle implications of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle technology for medium- and heavy-duty trucks", Journal of Power Sources, vol. 393, 217-229.
  5. Lee, D-Y., Elgowainy, A., & Dai, Q., (2018) “Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of hydrogen fuel production from chlor-alkali processes in the United States", Applied Energy, vol. 217, pp. 467-479.
  6. Lin, Z., Ou, S., Elgowainy, A., Reddi, K., Veenstra, M. & Verduzco, L. (2018) "A method for determining the optimal delivered hydrogen pressure for fuel cell electric vehicles", Applied Energy, vol. 216, pp. 183-194.
  7. Reddi, K., Elgowainy, A., Rustagi, N., & Gupta, E., (2017) “Techno-economic analysis of conventional and advanced high-pressure tube trailer configurations for compressed hydrogen gas transportation and refueling”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(9), 4428-4438.
  8. Reddi, K., Elgowainy, A., Rustagi, N., & Gupta, E., (2018) “Two-tier pressure consolidation operation method for hydrogen refueling station cost reduction”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43(5), 2919-2929.
  9. Elgowainy, A., Reddi, K., Lee, D-Y., Rustagi, N., & Gupta,E., (2017) “Techno-Economic Analysis of Pre-Cooling System for Gaseous Hydrogen Refueling Station”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(49),29067-29079.
  10. Elgowainy, A., and Reddi, K., (2017, August) “Enhanced methods for operating refueling station tube-trailers to reduce refueling cost.”, U.S. Patent No. 9,739,418.
  11. Reddi, K., Elgowainy, A., Rustagi, N., & Gupta, E., (2017) “Impact of hydrogen refueling configurations and market parameters on the refueling cost of hydrogen”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(34), 21855-21865.
  12. Reddi, K., Elgowainy, A., Rustagi, N., & Gupta, E., (2017) “Impact of hydrogen SAE J2601 fueling methods on fueling time of light-duty fuel cell electric vehicles”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(26), 16675-16685.
  13. Reddi, K., Elgowainy, A., & Wang, M. (2016, July). Fuel cell automotive comparison to other vehicle systems. Chemical Engineering Professionals (CEP) Magazine.
  14. Reddi, K., Mintz, M., Elgowainy, A., & Sutherland, E. (2016). Building a hydrogen infrastructure in the United States. In M. Ball, A. Basile & T. Nejat Veziroglu, Compendium of hydrogen energy. Volume 4: Hydrogen use, safety and the hydrogen economy (pp. 293) Woodhead Publishing.
  15. Reddi, K., Mintz, M., Elgowainy, A., & Sutherland, E. (2016).Challenges and oppurtunities of hydrogen delivery via pipeline, tube-trailer, liquid tanker and methanation-natural gas grid. In D. Stolten, & B. Emonts, Hydrogen science and engineering: Materials, processes, systems and technology (1st ed.,) Wiley.
  16. Elgowainy, A., Reddi, K., Mintz, M., and Brown, D., (2015). H2A Delivery Scenario Analysis Model Version 3.0*(HDSAM 3.0) User’s Manual. Argonne National Laboratory, Centre for Transportation Research.
  17. Reddi, K., Elgowainy, A., & Sutherland, E. (2014).Hydrogen refueling station compression and storage optimization with tube-trailer deliveries. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(33), 19169-19181.
  18. Elgowainy, A., Reddi, K., Sutherland, E., & Joseck, F. (2014). Tube-trailer consolidation strategy for reducing hydrogen refueling station costs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(35), 20197-20206.
  19. Elgowainy A., Reddi, K., &Wang, M., (2013) “Life-cycle Analysis of Hydrogen onboard Storage options”, In: FY 2012 Progress Report for the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program. Springfield: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, pp. XI-29.
  20. Paster, M.D., Ahluwalia, R.K., Berry, G., Elgowainy, A., Lasher, S., McKenney, K. & Gardiner, M.,(2011)Hydrogen storage technology options for fuel cell vehicles: Well-to-wheel costs, energy efficiencies, and greenhouse gas emissions.”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(22), 14534-14551.
  21. Mintz, M., Elgowainy, A., &Gardiner, M. Rethinking hydrogen fueling: Insights from delivery modeling. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2139 (2009), pp. 46–54.
  22. Elgowainy, A., Mintz, M., Gillette, J., Paster, M., Hooks, M., Kelly, B., & Sacramento, C.A. Technical and economic analysis of hydrogen refueling stations. In The NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2008.
  23. Mintz, M., Elgowainy, A., Gillette, J., Paster, M., Ringer, M., Brown, D., Hooks, M., &Kelly, B. HDSAM 2.0: Expanded capabilities, enhanced results in hydrogen delivery modeling. In The NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2008.
  24. Elgowainy, A., Mintz, M., Kelly, B., Hooks, M. &Paster, M. Optimization of compression and storage requirements at hydrogen refueling stations. In ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2008), pp. 131–136.
  25. Mintz, M., Gillette, J., Elgowainy, A., Paster, M., Ringer, M., Brown, D., &Li, J. Hydrogen delivery scenario analysis model for hydrogen distribution options. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1983 (2006), pp.114–120.